Episode 5: Objectives – Now That You’ve Crystallized The “Why”, “What” Will You Do?

On this episode of Emerge Dynamics we’re talking about objectives, which is the next step in working through our dream planning framework. We’ve already discussed mission and purpose, and now it’s time to move onto the next important aspect. Dream planning is a lot like strategic planning, but it is more focused on the perspective of what you’re trying to accomplish.

It’s important to know your three must-have objectives to help you meet your mission. These are the things that have to happen to bring your business vision to life. Generally speaking, your objectives are planned out between a one-to-three-year time frame. Why three? It’s easy to make a list of six or seven, but this can muddy the water of what you need to be focusing on.

Whenever you can, you need to set objectives that are measurable and accountable. As a business owner, you don’t need to be solely responsible for meeting your objectives. Give one senior team member the accountability and overarching authority to execute. Why one? Because when more than one person is accountable, no one is accountable.

Facilitation can be powerful when you’re defining and creating your mission, purpose, and objectives. It’s not always the best idea to choose someone on your team. When you choose a third-party facilitator, they can bring a specific set of skills and see your business from an unbiased perspective.

Creating your business vision is qualitative, whereas creating your objectives is more quantitative. It’s a concrete space to define the action steps the company needs to take and who is accountable for what. We’ll be moving into strategy next, which is going to be crucial for helping you differentiate and set you on a course to scale.