Episode 44: They’re Watching You – Having the Mindset of a Leader

Today we’re getting into what it really means to be a leader in your organization. People have a tendency to look at the actions and consistency of their leader. You may not even realize how much of an influence you have on the culture of the organization. If you don’t focus on this, then another person or group in your organization is going to create the culture for you.

When a phrase is said or an action is taken by a CEO, it reverberates. Therefore, it’s very important to carry yourself in a certain way. It’s less about being careful with your words, and more about setting yourself up with the right disposition as a leader. If this is done correctly and you’re there for the right reasons, you’ll probably say the right things naturally.

Leaders should enable their people to become the best versions of themselves. Think about setting the tone of the organization for the purpose of serving it, not for your own glorification. You may find that your most rewarding times in life are when you are helping someone else accomplish something.

Step one is just acknowledging whether you’re a servant leader or a narcissistic leader. Sit down and reflect on if your approach is wrong. If it is, remember that we all make mistakes, and we can all improve.

Also, keep in mind the distinction between management and leadership. Managing is more task-oriented, and leading is about relationships. It’s about setting tone and the way that you do things as opposed to what you do. We cannot lead well unless we are looking internally and being honest.