Episode 39: Customer Journey – Do You Even Care About This Relationship Anymore?

The customer journey is so important, but even more so during a downturn. There needs to be clarity for the customer about what services and products you’re providing. Having this ensures you’re making that experience as amazing as possible. Alongside that experience, it’s an opportunity to make improvements.

With more insight, you can begin to look at what each customer’s individual needs are. It begins with knowing exactly what that customer is buying and knowing your product to better meet their needs. The customer isn’t necessarily buying the product, but seeking what that product will enable or allow them to do.

For example, someone who sells plumbing supplies doesn’t just sell plumbing supplies. You need to understand you are exchanging those products, but the relationship with those products is different and unique. What else do they need? By engaging with that customer, you open opportunities for that customer’s journey.

The journey begins differently for each customer. It could be word of mouth, a sign they’ve seen, or just calling to see what your hours are. The first impression is key. For example, think about a customer who comes into a store and isn’t acknowledged. That customer may take it as a sign that they aren’t important and so they simply walk out, and you lose that opportunity to begin that customer’s journey.

Human interaction is part of our natural being. It’s important to not assume, and instead to ask questions to distinguish where that customer’s journey needs to go. This allows you to give better solutions and generate more revenue. By guiding the customer journey, showing you care, and giving them a great experience, they are more likely to return as a repeat customer.