Episode 26: Use Business to Fight Poverty? Partners Worldwide Thinks So.

Partners worldwide is an organization that has a mission of fighting poverty with business. If we believe we are doing something good for the community with our business then it would be a natural extension of that thought that business can also do good for those living in poverty.

Eric recently attended Partners Worldwide’s annual summit. There were Several hundred in the audience as well as many more attending virtually.

While this might seem like a different topic than we usually discuss it ties in deeply to so many of the other topics we’ve discussed in this podcast.

We can confuse the purpose of business by using the analogy of the human body described by Whole Foods Founder John Mackey. Blood is critical to the survival of the human body. But it would be crazy to think the only function of the body is to make blood. Just like in a business – it needs profit to go on, but it would be crazy to say that is its only purpose.

While there is a time when donations makes sense, but strengthening local businesses leads to long-term effective sustainable development.

Partners Worldwide’s model is partnership. Their role is to facilitate partnerships whether that be donations, giving time, or lending.  Listen to learn more.