Current Events

Episode 34: Growing Your Business Through A Downturn – Setting the Stage

Can you continue growing your business through the downturn? It would be great to be able to predict what’s going to happen in the economy next week, next month, and next year. But when it comes doesn’t matter—the fact remains that at some point, there will be a downturn in the economy. The real-time, first…

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Episode 33: Wrapping Up Web 3.0

In this episode of Emerge Dynamics, we’re wrapping up our discussion about Web 3.0. You can be sure that Web 3.0 is going to be impacting business owners everywhere in a very real way, especially when it comes to creating contracts, decentralization of technology, and other digital expansions. What is a smart contact? A smart…

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Episode 31: Money Mechanics For Owners and Managers of Businesses – Part 3: From Fiat Central Banking to Bitcoin

Today we’re concluding a three-part conversation focusing on money. If you missed parts one and two, you’ll want to go back to previous episodes for a deeper understanding of money mechanics. This topic is so important to be familiar with if you run a business. For a long time, societies have run on a central…

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Episode 30: Money Mechanics for Owners and Managers of Businesses – Part 2: From Gold to Fiat Central Banking

This episode of picks up from the last one where we began a discussion about money and Web 3.0. Alternatives to traditional money have been increasing in popularity, and if business owners want to stand out from their competitors, it’s important to know why and how they work. Gold was the top choice to use…

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Episode 29: Money Mechanics for Owners and Managers of Businesses – Part 1: The Road to Gold

In this series of episodes of Emerge Dynamics we’re diving into a new, highly relevant topic: Web 3.0. The next level of the internet and how it influences transactions is going to have a large impact on business owners everywhere. Within this evolution, you’ll hear other possibly new terms such as blockchain, decentralized finance, smart…

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Episode 8: Insidious Inflation and How to Stay Ahead of it

This episode is all about inflation. This topic is important for business owners to focus on right now so they can figure out the best way to respond. It’s a fact that the conjecture of how inflation will affect business owners has largely been wrong. So why is inflation happening, and what should you do…

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